
The community of the leading SANO companies in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia

With the help of strong partners you will develop an exclusive network in the region and our common business location in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. We are committed to candidates who think ahead. We recommend each other potential employees with excellent ideas and great interest in professional development. Together we exceed set goals through a high level of commitment and success, in order to achieve that, we identify and recommend each other the appropriate specialists and managers.

Any organization can participate. We distinguish between two memberships:

  • partners: These members represent the rapidly growing organizations that are looking for professionals as well as students. The current vacancies can be found here in the 'job search' section. All jobs of a partner are automatically imported from his profile for a whole year. These job offers enable the partners to participate in the community using the recommendation concept. Now, recommended applicants can apply for a job in the company. The membership of the community is available for a single annual fee. Annual contributions are based on the number of permanent employees in the region, according to the Terms and Conditions.
  • Sponsors: Some companies are not looking for staff, but support the community by awarding recommendation codes to applicants who send an unsolicited application. Among the sponsors are, for example, companies providing internet job boards, educational institutions, trade fairs and conferences with whom we have negotiated partnerships so that our partners receive special conditions. These sponsor membership is free of charge.

If you want to know more about our currently valid services we provide within the context of a membership, we invite you to have a look at our range of services. Please check the FAQ for further information and our goals.

Become a member of the community SANOsax.de based on our Terms and Conditions. You can become a partner by using our online registration form. After registering you will receive a confirmation e-mail with our currently valid Terms and Conditions, the invoice for the annual membership and your user credentials. Shortly afterwards, we will contact you and arrange a free consultation to incorporate your business in our recommendation network and to optimize your vacancies.

A fair deal: Competence in exchange for competence. Visit the "Media" section, to see what our members achieve together.

Logo of AMFD Auto Mobil Forschung Dresden GmbH
Logo of AOK PLUS. Die Gesundheitskasse für Sachsen und Thüringen.
Logo of Altavo GmbH
Altavo GmbH
Logo of DMTG GmbH
Logo of Dresden-Friedrichstadt
Logo of Dresden-Löbtau
Logo of Dresden-Neustadt/Trachau
Logo of Dresden-Weißer Hirsch
Dresden-Weißer Hirsch
Logo of ERFURT Bildungszentrum gGmbH
Logo of Eigenbetrieb Städtisches Klinikum "St. Georg" Leipzig
Eigenbetrieb Städtisches Klinikum "St. Georg" Leipzig
Logo of Fachkrankenhaus Hubertusburg gGmbH
Logo of GenArc Directions GmbH
GenArc Directions GmbH
Logo of Görlitz
Logo of HB Capital GmbH
Logo of Haema AG
Logo of Haus im Rosengarten GmbH - familiäre Seniorenpflege
Logo of IAM Institute of Automotive Mechatronics GmbH
Logo of IBH IT-Service GmbH
Logo of Klinik für Ambulante Rehabilitation im MEDICUM
Logo of Klinikum Altenburger Land GmbH
Logo of Klinikum St. Georg gGmbH
Logo of Lohrmanns Brauerei GmbH
Logo of MVZ "Schloss Hubertusburg"
MVZ "Schloss Hubertusburg"
Logo of MVZ Altscherbitz Neurologisch-psychiatrische Praxis Nebenbetriebstätte Taucha
MVZ Altscherbitz Neurologisch-psychiatrische Praxis Nebenbetriebstätte Taucha
Logo of MVZ Altscherbitz Radiologische Praxis
MVZ Altscherbitz Radiologische Praxis
Logo of MVZ Funkenburgstraße
MVZ Funkenburgstraße
Logo of Medizinische Berufsfachschule am Städtischen Klinikum Dresden
Medizinische Berufsfachschule am Städtischen Klinikum Dresden
Logo of Medizinische Versorgungszentren Altenburger Land GmbH
Logo of Pflegedienst Aurich - Mehr als ein Pflegedienst
Logo of Pflegeeinrichtung
Logo of SHK
Logo of SmartNanotubes Technologies GmbH
Logo of St. Georg Facility Management Gesellschaft mbH
St. Georg Facility Management Gesellschaft mbH
Logo of St. Georg MVZ gGmbH
St. Georg MVZ gGmbH
Logo of St. Georg Nachsorge und ambulante Pflege GmbH
St. Georg Nachsorge und ambulante Pflege GmbH
Logo of St. Georg Wirtschafts- und Logistikgesellschaft mbH
St. Georg Wirtschafts- und Logistikgesellschaft mbH
Logo of Städtisches Klinikum Dresden
Logo of Sächsisches Krankenhaus Altscherbitz – Schkeuditz
Sächsisches Krankenhaus für Psychiatrie und Neurologie Altscherbitz
Logo of Südharz Klinikum Nordhausen gGmbH
Logo of TUDAG TU Dresden Aktiengesellschaft
Logo of Tagesklinik mit psychiatrischer Institutsambulanz Markranstädt
Tagesklinik mit psychiatrischer Institutsambulanz Markranstädt
Logo of Tagesklinik mit psychiatrischer Institutssambulanz Eilenburg
Tagesklinik mit psychiatrischer Institutssambulanz Eilenburg
Logo of Volkssolidarität Dresden
Logo of Zentrum für Drogenhilfe
Zentrum für Drogenhilfe

These companies support us

Logo of Akademie für Sozial- und Gesundheitsberufe GmbH
Logo of COMCURA GmbH
Logo of ELBLAND Reha- und Präventions-GmbH
Logo of Eltern-Kind-Wohnen
Logo of Fachkliniken für Geriatrie Radeburg GmbH
Logo of Fachkrankenhaus Coswig GmbH
Logo of Kliniken Beelitz GmbH
Logo of Kliniken Beelitz GmbH, Neurologische Rehabilitationsklinik, Fachkrankenhaus für neurol. Frührehabilitation
Logo of Kliniken Erlabrunn gGmbH
Logo of Landkreis Mittweida Krankenhaus gGmbH
Logo of MVZ Leipziger Land GmbH
Logo of Neurologische Rehabilitationsklinik, Fachkrankenhaus für neurologische Frührehabilitation
Logo of Neurologisches Fachkrankenhaus Parkinson
Logo of POLIKUM Leipzig Südvorstadt
Logo of Plan L gemeinnützige GmbH
Logo of RECURA
Logo of RECURA Praxis
Logo of RECURA Service GmbH
Logo of Sana Geriatriezentrum Zwenkau
Logo of Sana Klinik Zwenkau
Logo of Sana Kliniken Leipziger Land GmbH
Logo of Soziale Arbeit an Schulen
Soziale Arbeit an Schulen
Logo of Wohngruppe für Vorschulkinder
Wohngruppe für Vorschulkinder
Logo of Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Lüttge
Logo of Zahnarztpraxis Wackernagel
Logo of pludoni GmbH
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